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  • 伊斯法罕大学

    国家: 伊朗 成立时间:1946
    伊斯法罕大学(波斯语:دانشگاه اصفهان)是伊朗排名前10的综合性国立大学之一,创立于1946年。是伊朗科学、人文学科及工程领域的主流大学之一。大学有16000名学生,650名教职工,14个学院,45个科系、10个研究中心和45个研究组。伊斯法罕大学已经开设了中文课程。
  • 多瑙河大学

    国家: 罗马尼亚 网站:www.donau-uni.ac.at
    The first 93 students enrolled in 1995, when the institution began operation with programs in European Studies and journalism. In 2004, the Austrian parliament passed the Danube University Act (DUK-Gesetz) granting the institution the rights of a full university (such as appointing its own professor
  • Confucius Institute at University of Seychelles

    国家: 塞舌尔 网站:english.hanban.org/node_42056.htm 成立时间:2015
    The Confucius Institute is a non-profit public institutions which aim to promote Chinese language and culture in foreign countries from 2004 on , which are cooperated with universities in different countries. Till now there are 545 Confucius Institutes in the world . It goes all out in meeting the d
  • UniSey

    国家: 塞舌尔 网站:unisey.ac.sc/about-us/introducing-unisey/overview/ 成立时间:2010
    The University of Seychelles (UniSey) welcomed its first group of students in September 2009 followed by its official inauguration in November 2010. It was registered and licensed by the Government of Seychelles as a national university which will offer high-quality, innovative and market-oriented
  • Seychelles National Library

    国家: 塞舌尔 网站:www.nationallibraryseychelles.com/ 成立时间:1978
    The Carnegie Library which preceded the Seychelles National Library was opened in 1910. It was built from a grant provided by the Carnegie Trust Fund and was managed by a Board of Trustees. The board was dissolved in 1970 when the Department of Education took over the Carnegie Library and re-named i
  • AUEB

    国家: 希腊 网站:http://www.aueb.gr/
    The Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) was founded in 1920 under the name of Athens School of Commercial Studies. It was renamed in 1926 as the Athens School of Economics and Business, a name that was retained until 1989 when it assumed its present name, the Athens University of Econ
  • 柬埔寨皇家科学院孔子学院

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站: http://www.cirac.edu.kh
  • University of Zimbabwe

    国家: 津巴布韦 网站:www.uz.ac.zw/index.php
    The University of Zimbabwe is a public university in Harare, Zimbabwe. It opened in 1952 as the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and was initially affiliated with the University of London. It was later renamed the University of Rhodesia, and adopted its present name upon Zimbabwe's inde
  • 喀布尔大学

    国家: 阿富汗 成立时间:1932
    喀布尔大学(پوهنتون کابل),位于阿富汗首都喀布尔,喀布尔大学(Kabul University,英文缩写KU),喀布尔大学始建于1932年,是阿富汗最好的大学。目前在校学生1.5万人,在喀布尔大学8000余名在校学生里,女生约占20%。教职工1200人。有经济、农业、社科、医学、法学、文学、艺术等系,美国、法国、德国、英国、土耳其和印度等都有老师在这里上课。大学有中、英、法、德、西、俄、土、阿拉伯、普什图和达里10种语言课程。
  • Phnom Penh Post

    国家: 柬埔寨 网站:www.phnompenhpost.com/
    A history that stretches back 25 years has made the Phnom Penh Post the ‘Newspaper of Record’. In fact the Phnom Penh Post is the oldest existing independent newspaper in any language in Cambodia. First published in July 1992, the Post is read by thousands of foreigners and Cambodians througho