To Cite This Article
Nornes, Markus. "Subtitling Calligraphy"Journal of Chinese Film Studies, vol.1, no.1, 2021, pp.115-133.
01:Let's Read the Abstract
This essay examines a regional, not global,dimension of Chinese cinema: the Chinese character in its brushed form. Calligraphy and cinema have an intimate relationship in East Asia. Indeed, the ubiquity of the brushed word in cinema is one element that actually ties works in Korean, Japanese and Sinophone Asia together as a regional cinema. At the same time, I will explore the very specific difference of Chinese filmmakers’ use of written language. On first glance, cinema and calligraphy would appear as radically different art forms. On second glance, they present themselves as sister arts. Both are art forms built from records of the human body moving in(an absent)time and space. The essay ends with a consideration of subtitling, upon which Chinese cinema’ s global dimension is predicated. How does investigating this very problem lead us to rethinking the nature of the cinematic subtitle, which is very much alive―a truly movable type?
Keywords: calligraphy(书法); regionalism (地域性); somatics(躯体论); subtitling(字幕); translation(翻译)
02:A Glimpse of the Article
来看看马耐庵(Markus Nornes)对吴宇森《赤壁》中的书法场面的精彩解析:
中国读者都知道,汉字是有部首的。这是理性蒙太奇(intellectual montage)一个极好的例子。当女子无言哭泣时,雨滴直直地落在“女”字上,稀释着墨水。此外,宝盖头,宀,像一个屋顶,而屋顶上的点通常点在左边,仿佛暗示着屋顶有一个破洞。
作者指出,书法的空间就是人体的空间。我们面对书法,不论是纸面上的书法还是屏幕上的书法,都有着深刻的意义,是一个感觉互动(sensory interpellation)的过程。这就是书法能令观众激动的原因,也是它成为电影完美搭档的原因。
03:About the Author
马耐庵(Markus Nornes)是密歇根大学的亚洲电影教授,主要研究亚洲电影、纪录片和翻译理论。他的著作涉猎日本纪录片、《悲情城市》、电影翻译等领域。他的最新著作《光的笔触》正是在探讨书法与东亚电影的亲密关系。
Markus Nornes is Professor of Asian cinema at the University of Michigan, where he specializes in Japanese film, documentary and translation theory. He has done extensive programming on the international film festival circuit, especially at the Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival. He has written books on Japanese documentary, City of Sadness, film translation, and a critical biography of director Ogawa Shinsuke. His current book, Brushed in Light, is on the intimate relationship of calligraphy and East Asian cinema. He is currently writing a critical biography of Adachi Masao. Nornes has also directed a number of documentaries, including When We’re Together(2020), The Big House(2018,co-directed with Soda Kazuhiro et al), 911(2001), and a 5-screen video installation entitled Player Played(2019).